SEASON: A Letter to the Future Review (PS5)

SEASON: A Letter to the Future Review (PS5)

SEASON: A Letter to the Future sits comfortably in the same basket as titles such as Firewatch and Road 96, the type of games that envelop you into a visually beautiful world and encourages you to get acquainted with it. There are, however, a few things that let SEASON: A Letter to the Future stick out from the rest. 

All things must come to an end, whether good or bad. What matters is what you are able to gleam and leave behind in hopes to cause change and not repeat the events of the past. Word is spreading and talk of a new season heightens the nerves of anyone who hears it. Over the last few hundred years the land has faced destruction, wiping almost everything away and leaving a clean slate for those that survive to rebuild. Leading up to the current change to the new season, you set out to document and learn about the events of the past, looking to learn and find any way to make a difference.

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SEASON: A Letter to the Future review
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